Ok...let's see...Weekend recap: Friday night was Homecoming and our local rival game against Coffee County. Tullahoma is in Coffee County, but we have Tullahoma High School. Manchester is the county seat and the city schools and county schools both end up at Coffee County High School. Every year, we play the biggest game of the season for the Coffee Pot Trophy. Tullahoma won after a crazy battle 43 to 39. It was a nail-biter!
Yesterday, I went to a Women's fellowship at church. Jennifer Ray was the speaker...There were about 23 of us. It was fun :) She was talking about the season's of life that we go through. She said something that was revealed to her was that no matter what season you are in you need to see (sea) the Son (son). Isn't that great??
This morning, we made it to Sunday school (a little late) and then on to church. Bro. Tim had a great message. Wednesday night, he and the other members of the mission team that went to Montana are going to be sharing their stories and pictures. I can't wait! Everytime they show a video of some sort of missions at church, I cry. I don't know what is so strong to draw me to that but I cry. Without fail. John does, too. Not sure what that means - so say a prayer for us for direction and God to reveal what it means.
Tonight I missed small group because we went to Huntsville to shop a little. We got back later than I thought we would. I'm looking forward to this next week's daily study and actually making time to do it. Why is that so hard?