So I guess this year will start with the same resolutions we make every year: eat better, exercise more, be in better financial know the same old, same old.
But instead of starting this year that way....Hubs and I decided to END 2010 that way. We joined a gym on Thursday. Hubs went that afternoon, and I went yesterday. He's already been this morning, and I'm going to go in a little bit. I really hope this is the year that things happen. I seriously want to be a healthier me. A better mom, a better wife...a better everything. I think my weight holds me back on a lot of stuff. Mainly, just feeling comfortable in a room.
I (please hold your laughter) really want to do a 5k. Seriously. I don't care if I have to walk the thing I want to do it. My ultimate goal? A half marathon. I think I can...better yet. I know I can. I just have to get there.