It snowed last night. SNOW. It's April! The week before Easter! Craziness!
I just got finished reading Angie Smith's blog for today. Angie's husband, Todd, is in the Christian group Selah. Today, April 7, 2009 is her youngest daughter, Audrey's first birthday but she isn't here to celebrate. She is celebrating with God today. I read and cried...luckily, my boss is gone to do some errands. I started reading her blog last year when I was pregnant with Leah. I don't even remember where I found it. I have become a blog reader (too many blogs!) since and I visit every one of them at least once a day. My heart just breaks for her...I just want to run home and grab Leah and not let go thanking God the whole time for her. My thoughts and prayers are with Todd and Angie and their families today. Happy 1st Birthday Audrey!
Easter week - Holy Week....can you imagine? I was just sitting here thinking about what Jesus might have been doing all those many years ago knowing the path that was laid before Him. I know we have a glimpse of what happened that week before Judas turned his back on Jesus. But there is so much more! I have so many questions...I hope God has like a video place in heaven where we can see all this stuff that happened. I know we are going to be praising like never before...I guess our human interest won't matter then. I still think it would be neat though. I have watched The Passion of the Christ one time. I can't bear to watch it anymore (maybe one day). When we were watching it the first time, I was there. Ok...Ok...I know I wasn't there...but I was. I felt like I was watching it all happen in front of me - like I was a witness to the beating and the humiliation they laid upon Jesus. Whew...that was a rough one.
I am so so so thankful for what He did for us. He didn't have to. He could have said "nope, I'm outtie" (Yeah I know He wouldn't have phrased it that way) but He didn't. He took that beating, that weight of sin, the whole shabang for us - for me, for my husband, for my daughter, for my other children (who will be here one day God willing), for my friends, family, neighbors, online friends, and the list goes on and on. He did this for everyone! I pray that one day everyone will know Jesus. He's pretty awesome!
Ok. I'm blank now. LOL! I guess on to prayers:
- PRAY that Angie and Todd have peace that passes all understanding today as they remember their precious girl.
- PRAY that Stellan's ( new cardiologist will have some answers. Stellan has SVT - superventricular tachocardia. His heart beats in excess of 200 beats per minute sometimes. He is ONE DAY older than Leah.
- PRAY for the people of Italy and the devastation of the earthquake.
- PRAY for the Rudolph and Nelson families (local families). The Rudolph's lost a daughter - 16 years old and their only child. The Nelson family's 17 year old son was behind the wheel of the other car and he is in critical care at Vanderbilt. Pray for him emotionally as well as physically.
- PRAY for our country, our leaders, our nation and our world. Pray that God's will overshadows the wills/wants of men. It's all about HIM after all!
Hope you all have a blessed started snowing again a little while ago. Huge flakes! It's all over for now though.
Haha I know what you mean about reading too many blogs! I think everybody reaches that point at some time or other!
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