Linking up over at Kelly's Korner today for "Show Us Your Life" Friday...Today's topic is: Random Acts of Kindness. Yes, I'm aware today is Saturday. I couldn't keep the internet connection last night...It would stay on for about 5 minutes then I would lose the connection to the router. Ugh.
Ok...back to the topic at hand. Random Acts of Kindness. These are things that I have done or want to do....I love this kind of stuff :)
1. Sending little notes/cards of encouragement. I love doing this. I love getting mail besides bills. I have a whole box of cards to choose from and I'm constantly looking for new ones. I may or may not sign my name to them.
2. Paying for the person behind you in the drive thru. I haven't actually done this yet, but I may do it one day this week. Kind of one of those hidden blessings ya know?
3. Make a meal (or part of one) for someone that's sick, has a new baby, or just because.
4. Be nice to the checkout clerks. I've been on that side of the register and it made things better if the customer was friendly. You may be having an awful day, but don't take it out on the cashier. They've probably seen 100 of people just like you - be that 1 person that makes a difference :)
Those are the ones off the top of my head.
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