
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lost my train of tho...Ooohh!! A kitty!

I got so excited about posting about Zumba (FUN FUN FUN!!!) that I forgot to tell y'all about my weigh-in yesterday....Yesterday's 1.2 for a total of 12 lbs in 36 days.  I am excited. I'm excited that I've actually stuck with something longer than a day.
Now, back to Zumba because there is much more to share than what I did.  There were maybe 15 people there.  I'm not really sure.  I kinda focused on not tripping over my own feet.  A lot of the moves that we did I have had experience with because I've taken a few aerobic classes.  It's pretty easy, and there isn't any pressure to get all the steps.  You do what you can.  If you can't keep up - big deal - just keep moving.  I totally recommend it.  It's so fun and a great workout.  If you wanna come - just leave me a comment and I'll tell you where I Zumba!


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