
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sunny Day....Sweeping the cares away

I love sunshine (and Sesame Street, too!). It seriously improves my mood. Makes me want to be all bright and cheerful. Cloudy days bring out the blahs. I love springtime, too (allergies not included in that by the way). I love how all the dead is made new.

Today, Baby Bug is 17 months old. Where has the time gone? It's hard to believe at this time 2 years ago we were just getting used to the thought of being parents after almost 9 years of waiting. Last year, we had a 5 month old and were getting ready to celebrate her first Easter. This year, she's walking, talking, trying to run, feeding herself, wanting to potty, and just growing up way too fast! She has a bit of a stubborn streak - I cannot figure out WHERE that comes from ;0) - and is becoming more independant every day. The Easter egg hunt at church is Saturday and I'm beyond excited. I can't wait to see how she reacts to all those eggs (wonder if we should practice any? hmmm.....). I'm not too worried LOL. More importantly, I'm hoping that we can share the real meaning of Easter with her. Even at such a young age, we want her to know who Jesus is. I think she has a good idea already. We have a few pictures in our dining room and a magnet on the fridge that have Jesus on them. She calls them all the same thing (which we can't exactly decipher but we're working on it) so I know she knows they are the same person.

We just started Sunday school again. We got out of the habit a while before and after Leah was born. We changed classes, too. You need to be able to feel comfortable where you are. So, we made the SS class change. We're hoping to get back into the swing of things with church especially since Leah is older. She had a good time at church Sunday and I did, too. It had been about 2 weeks since I've been. I went on Sunday...had my gallbladder out on Friday...didn't go the 2 following Sundays. It felt good to be back.


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