
Saturday, January 10, 2009

My first blog...

I've never blogged before unless you count myspace. I've deleted all of those, so I'm back to square one. Anyhow, John is flipping channels between the Titans game and Smokey and the Bandit. See what commercials do?

On to other things...

I am sitting on the couch with the laptop with the prettiest little girl ever laying beside me. She is kicking her legs and making all kinds of faces. Leah is 2 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days old. As little as she is, I am still wondering where the time went. It seems like only yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital and now she is so alert and funny with her faces. God has surely blessed us with her. We had a lot of heartache in the time it took to get her, including a miscarriage. I know God got tired of my tantrums....but He loved me anyway. My heart breaks when I hear of couples - God fearing, loving couples - that are having trouble having a child. John and I know how they feel...we went through that for years. All I can say is that Leah was worth the wait!

Daddy has her now feeding her. She has some lungs! Especially when she is hungry and when she is wet. I took her on Wednesday (7th) to have her first set of shots. Oh my goodness! She screamed, held her breath, screamed some more and these HUGE tears came out of her eyes. It broke my heart. The dr. did tell me that the shots would be harder on me than her. It was time for her to eat at the time of the shots, so while we were waiting for the nurse to check her legs, she ate and fell asleep. I may be nuts, but the tweety bird bandaids that Kristen used on her legs are now in her baby book.

I have to take pictures of her later to get the one we want to use for the program for baby dedication. John said to use one of the ones we already have, but Mommy doesn't want that. LOL When we got ready to do her Christmas pictures, I took over 50 to get the one that I wanted. I still ended up using 3 or 4 different ones for the Christmas cards. Yes, I admit it, I am nuts. I love having a girl though - not that I wouldn't have loved a son - but I am having so much fun with her clothes. I know it's just going to get worse.

I guess that's all for now. Time to watch the rest of this Titans game.



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