
Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Randomness

Since I am a random kind of girl - here's 10 things in the randomness that is me!

1.  I will drive down the road listening to Def Leppard. Yes, it is the Vault album.  Yes, it is louder than it should be sometimes.
2.  I recently realized that several of the guys I dated/had crushes on now drive Dodge Ram trucks.  Only 1 drove a Dodge truck while we dated.  Very strange.
3.  If I'm watching TV, 95% of the time it is on Food Network.
4.  I hate seafood. I mean H-A-T-E seafood.  It always makes me think of high school biology.  Blech!
5.  I'm not really sure I have a favorite food anymore.  I 'like' stuff but nothing really stands out as my favorite.
6.  I'm a night owl....and NOT a morning person!
7.  I am usually late anywhere I go.
8.  I really think I want Waffle House for breakfast tomorrow.  I know that I will have to work my booty off tomorrow if we do go LOL
9.  I watch the majority of my shows on Hulu....
10.  You can do it! is my new mantra.

So there are 10 random little things about me...they are kinda boring but oh well :) Share your own! I'd love to read them! Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lost my train of tho...Ooohh!! A kitty!

I got so excited about posting about Zumba (FUN FUN FUN!!!) that I forgot to tell y'all about my weigh-in yesterday....Yesterday's 1.2 for a total of 12 lbs in 36 days.  I am excited. I'm excited that I've actually stuck with something longer than a day.
Now, back to Zumba because there is much more to share than what I did.  There were maybe 15 people there.  I'm not really sure.  I kinda focused on not tripping over my own feet.  A lot of the moves that we did I have had experience with because I've taken a few aerobic classes.  It's pretty easy, and there isn't any pressure to get all the steps.  You do what you can.  If you can't keep up - big deal - just keep moving.  I totally recommend it.  It's so fun and a great workout.  If you wanna come - just leave me a comment and I'll tell you where I Zumba!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Zumba Take 1

Tonight I stepped out and went to a Zumba class.  I had originally planned to go last Thursday to another one, but I chickened out.  Did you hear the clucking on Thursday? Yes, that was me.  I beat myself up pretty bad for not doing it.  I was bummed out because once again I let insecurity and fear of laughter talk me out of something I really wanted to do.   A post on Facebook got my spirits back up.  I have great friends (but that's another post altogether). Tonight I went though...and it was fun.  Now, I have to admit I spent the first 10 minutes or so watching the instructor and laughing at myself.  If you've never watched/participated in a Zumba workout session -- Go to youtube.  There are ways that this body of mine doesn't move (well, it may move just not well).  The only thing that kinda bugged me was that I was in the front. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR - THE FRONT? Yes, I was in the front. 
I am not a front row person.  Especially during something like this...just stick me in the back and I will be fine.  Anyway, back to my story.  There was a girl 2 rows behind me and she had her cell phone in her hand.  Now, she was probably texting or checking her fb or whatever - but immediately I thought "Oh my stars - she's taking a picture of my big ole butt and is sending it out to the world." So, I almost told her where to stick her phone.  Then I started thinking - you know what - if she wants to get a kick out of me doing Zumba then I hope she got a good shot.  Heifer. 
Anyway - I had a good time. I did sweat.  I did laugh. I do believe I will go back again on Thursday.  Besides, gotta learn these moves....Dancing with the Stars may want me one day ;0)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Let's talk about s....

Just kidding!

Random fact of the day:  I often wake up with a song in my head.  Sometimes it has something to do with what I was dreaming, but sometimes it is totally random.

I need new ideas for food.  I'm tired of chicken, chicken, let's see...chicken.  Oh -- did I mention chicken?  I had a great Healthy Choice Whiskey Steak meal earlier.  It was seriously good.  The thing that bothers me is that 1) those frozen meals are loaded with preservatives and 2) sodium!  I used to eat Lean Cuisine's all the time (and I still like them) but I don't want that everyday.  During the summertime I am salad crazy....but again...there are only so many salads someone can eat.
So- share with me your favorite recipe. :)
Happy Eating!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Crazy!  These temperatures are absurd.  Low 90s for most of the week and then it doesn't get lower that 70* at night.  It's gonna be a hot one.  I was hoping for a small spring, but looks like our Spring was rain showers and tornado watches/warnings.

I did an early weigh-in because tonight is our church's picnic and I didn't want to stress over eating.  Now, I'm not going to go out and go hog wild (simply because I've been doing this for almost a month and binging is not part of my vocabulary any more).  I'm going to make smaller portion choices and I'm going to enjoy myself.  Plus, there are trails around the lake, and I plan on taking advantage of those and go on a good walk.  Why not exercise and enjoy myself right? :) 

Oh yeah-- back to the weigh-in:  I lost 1.6 lbs.  I have lost 11 lbs total.  I am pretty doggone proud of myself.

I need to get busy getting stuff together!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Just a .8!

I have a new follower (Hi!!!).  I'm excited!  I love my little blog and I'm going to try to visit it more often.

This past Monday (5/30) I did my typical Monday morning weigh-in (I need a clever name for that) and I lost .8 lbs.  I struggled with that .8? That's IT?!?!  Ok...breathe,'s a loss.   That's 9.4 lbs in 3 weeks.  I'm not starving...I'm eating healthier choices.  BUT it's JUST a .8!!!!  I don't know if you've picked up on this yet (ha!) but .8 just wasn't cutting for me.  Soooo the negative self-talk started. "See, I knew you couldn't stick with it"...."See, this is going to take forever" get the picture.  For some reason though - this time I'm not giving up.  The negative self-talk (please tell me I'm not the only person who has this) pops into my head occasionally but for the most part I've smacked it down.  I'm not listening this time.  This time there is someone else involved.  This time there is a little person that needs me.  I'm not saying that Hubs doesn't need me, BUT he's grown and he can take care of himself.  That little 2 1/2 year old blonde hair, blue eyed blessing needs her mommy.  She needs a healthy mommy.  She needs a mommy that can run, play games, and interact; NOT a mommy that sits on the sidelines.  I know I said that before in my post, but I mean it.  And the more times I say it - the more it's going to motivate me to do something.

I also have another little game plan going.  You ready for this? Are you sure?
I am going to complete 20 miles in the month of June.  Ok...wait...don't's ok...deep breaths. There that's better.  Yep, in the month of June, I am going to (walk, jog, etc.) 20 miles.  More if I can.  We shall see.

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend...and leave me comments....I'm a comment junkie LOL