
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Here we go again...

I guess that is an appropriate title.  As of last Monday (May 9th)...I am trying to lose weight again.  My first weigh-in May 16th - I had lost 7 lbs.  I am excited that I lost those 7, but I know this is just the beginning.  That's ok though.  I didn't gain all this's not going to go away overnight either.  My first mini-goal is 50 lbs by my birthday.  That's roughly 11 weeks.  It's not impossible.  If I don't get it exactly, I'm still not going to give up.

Another thing is on August 6th (my 35th birthday) - there is a 5K in Smyrna.  I kinda think I want to do it.  What better birthday present to myself than to run/walk a 5K?  

Why am I doing this you may ask? Well, it's not only to look better in clothes or feel better about myself.  Yes, I do want to look better and I do want to feel better about myself, BUT the main reason I'm doing this?  My 2 1/2 year old daughter.  She deserves to have a mommy that can run with her, play with her, and not get tired soon after starting.  She deserves to have a healthy mommy. 

See, I've always been the fat kid.  I got teased a lot in school, didn't go on many dates.  Face it: the guys that bigger girls like don't like bigger girls.  They want the trophy girlfriends.  Now, don't get me wrong, I did meet some guys that accepted me as I was....and for that I was thankful.  I met John and he liked me the way I was. He likes me the way I am, but I don't like me.  Does that make any sense at all?  There are parts of me that I like...but the bad outweighs the good.  So, here I am again.  I'm on week 2 of however many weeks it will take to get me to a place where I am content.  I know I have a journey ahead of me.  All I have to do is look at my daughter, and I have the motivation that I need.  Good friends are helping, too.  I'm very blessed.


Anonymous said...

I love what you've done with your blog, it is so cute.. as for your journey, you know I am here for you and I will keep letting you know that. I am already so proud of you , you have done an amazing job already and you just remember you are doing this for yourself and your family.. but YOU have to come first. I love ya girl, you are like my sister.

Kristin said...

Keep it up! You can reach your goals because you have such great motivation!

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